Mutation/NEH Raccoon Sanctuary of North America

Last Saturday marked the end of the Mutation show at Black Maria.

There is a great video (set to DJ Shadow no less) over at Spanky Stokes.

We had seventeen custom Borii this time!
Thanks to everyone for contributing talent and time into their customs!
And thank you to everyone, who came out for the show!

And now, I present to you the NEH Raccoon Sactuary of North America.

(click image to enlarge)

First row- Snow Boris, Regular Boris, Steamboat Boris, Talula and the two, they know what you do, Drunky Raccoon, Cowboy Raccoon.
Second row - Jedi Daniel Coone (soon be transferred to the Lageose Wildlife Conservation)

They are now in the company of those that enjoy tormenting just as much as they do.